Human Values and Professional Ethics - PYQ-2

1)What do you mean by Sukh and Suvidha?


Distinguish between Sukh and Suvidha in detail taking needs of yourself as an example.

Ans--> Sukh is a holistic and all encompassing state of the mind that creates inner harmony. Sukh is also called as happiness. Suvidha implies that it is looking for physical comforts and all the sources of attaining such comforts. When our body gets used to a certain level of comfort then we will only feel comfortable at that level e.g. comfort in fan, cooler or air conditioner. Different people have a different perception of suvidha and will seek a corresponding level of suvidha according to their perceptions.

By nature man is fond of comfort and happiness so he goes on making desires and ambitions one after the other to enjoy more in life. To lead a comfortable life he also accumulates many facilities, so that his life may become full of comfort and happiness. Sukh depends upon our thinking, so many times we are surrounded by materialistic possessions but we feel unsatisfied. People think that their happiness depends upon suvidha (facilities) but is it not so; happiness depends upon our thinking or our mental satisfaction.

Q. The needs of the body are quantitative. Illustrate.

Ans--> Needs of body are physical facilities. Physical facilities are needed for the body in a limited quantity. When we try and exceed these limits, it becomes troublesome for us after some time. Let’s take the example of eating. As far as, physical facilities (say rasgulla) go, they are necessary in the beginning, but if we keep consuming, it becomes intolerable with the passage of time. This applies to every physical facility. We can only think of having unlimited physical facilities, but if we try and consume, or have too much of physical facilities, it only ends up becoming a problem for us. When we try to perpetuate physical facilities, the following pattern results. With time it successively changes from:

Necessary and tasteful


                                                              Unnecessary but tasty


Unnecessary and tasteless



Q. Distinguish between the needs of the Self and the needs of the Body. 

Q)How human mind gets influenced or conditioned?

Ans--> Preconditioning means we have assumed something about our desires on the basis of prevailing notion about it. They comes from what we read, see hear, what our parents tell us, our friends talk about what the magazines talk of, what we see on the TV etc. We have not self-verified the desires in our own right. As a result, we are not clear about what we will get out of fulfilment of that desire. The problem with that is, unless we verify our desires, we may not even know whether they are our. We may end up spending an entire lifetime accumulating desires that are not ours, and in running about trying to fulfil them.

Q. “I am the seer, doer and enjoyer. The body is my instrument” – Explain.


How self enjoys the activities of the body?

Ans--> There is a relation between the self and body that body act as an instrument of self.

Whatever self thinks body performs it physically. Body does not decide itself. We can verify

this by the following discussion.

I am the seer: When we are reading a book or listening, when someone is explaining something to us, when we are watching a scenery or when we are thinking – we are engaged in the activities of ‘seeing’ or understanding. Now when we see some nice scenery we say ‘I am seeing’ that means our self ‘I’ see via the eyes, the eyes don’t see, they are just instruments, that unable me to see something outside. Different images are formed in the eyes every time, but it is I who is able to relate it to the meaning of that image every time. Similarly, I can see inside ‘in me’ also – without the eyes. For example I can see that I am getting angry. In this case I understand or know or am aware that I am getting angry. When I see outside the body works as an instrument.

I am the doer: once I have seen/ understood something, I am the one who decides what to do or not to do. I am the doer. For example, when I see the scenery I am the one who decide to take a picture of the scenery. I use my hands to pick camera and click a picture. The hands in the body are thus used as an instrument. In this way I work with my hands and legs.

I am the enjoyer:I saw the scenery and I took the picture. I am the seer and doer so far. When I see the picture I like it. I am the one that enjoys it. Thus there is a continuity of being the seer, doer and enjoyer. Similarly when I eat, I am the one that gets the taste – from the tongue.

Q. What do you mean by right utilization of the body?

Ans--> Normally we tend to believe that the body is an instrument for sensory enjoyment, which is not correct. We also happen to our body to exploit other human beings or rest of the nature, which is also not right utilization. Body is the instrument of the self and the body needs to be given nutrition, protection and utilized to work as an efficient and effective tool for the right purpose. This utilization is termed as right utilization. In other words, employing our body as an instrument for sensory enjoyment, and to exploit other human beings or rest of the nature is not the right utilization. On the contrary utilizing our body for right behaviour and work is actually the right utilization of the body.

Q. In what way can we say that the human body is a self organized unit?

Ans--> The human body is a self organized and highly sophisticated mechanism. The body is made up of several organs and glands and the different parts of the body keep working in a close co-ordination. All the activities keep the body fit for the use of ‘I’ (self or jivana) so that ‘I’ and the body may work in synergy as a human being. The silent aspects of this harmony b/w ‘I’ and the body are:-

1. The body acts according to the needs of I.

2. There is harmony among the parts of the body.

3. What our body follow only by the permission of I.

4. There is a strong coupling b/w I and the body. If I am in disharmony e.g. in anger or

stress or despair. It immediately starts affecting the body adversely.

5. There are many diseases of the body that are caused or accentuated due to

disharmony in I. These are called psychosomatic diseases such as asthma, migraine,

hyper-tension etc. On the other hand, when there is a strong disturbance in the body

manifesting in the form of severe pain, it distracts I from its normal functions.

6. I have the feeling of sanyama for the body and the body has swasthya. Sanyama is

basic to swasthya.

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