Different SQL commands with syntax and examples

 Different types of commands in SQL :

1)DDL - Data Definition Language

2)DML - Data Manipulation Language

3)DCL - Data Control Language

4)TCL - Transaction Control Language

5)DQL - Data Query Language

1)DDL - Data Definition Language

DDL Command used to perform various operations like create table, delete table

and alter table

Following are the different commands of


a) CREATE : Use of create command is to create table in


Synatx of Create Command is :

create table table_name(column_name1 datatype,column_name2 datatype,.....);

Example :

create table Student_info(Stud_id int(5), Name varchar(20));

b) ALTER : Below mentioned are the different uses of alter command

Modify the characteristics of an existing attribute in a table

Add a new attribute into the table

Synatx of alter Command is :

alter table table_name add column_name column_definition;

Example :

alter table Student_info add(age int(5));

c) DROP : Below mentioned are the different uses of drop command

Delete structure of table , Delete record stored in table

Synatx of drop Command is : 

drop table table_name;

Example :

drop table Student_info;

d) TRUNCATE: Use of truncate command is to delete all the rows from the


Synatx of alter truncate is :

truncate table table_name;

Example :

truncate table Student_info;

2) DML - Data Manipulation Language

Commands of DML are used to modify the database

Below mentioned are the different commands of DML


a) INSERT : This command is used to insert record values

Syntax :

insert into table_name (Column_name 1, Column_name 2, Column_name 3,.....) values (value 1, value 2, value 3,.....);

Example :

insert into Student_info(Stud_id,Stud_name) values(1,”ABC”);

b) UPDATE : This command is used to update record values in a table.

Syntax :

update table_name set [column_name1=value1,.....] where CONDITION

Example :

update Student_info set Stud_name=”xyz” where Stud_id=1;

c) DELETE : This command is used to remove one or more record/records from


Syntax :

delete from table_name where CONDITION

Example :

delete from Student_info where Stud_id=1;

3) DCL - Data Control Language

Below mentioned are the commands in DCL

GRANT : This command is used To provides the user's access privileges to the database.

              To allows a user in the current database to work with data

REVOKE : revoke (back permission)

                This Command is used to revoke the privileges from MySQL accounts.

4) TCL - Transaction Control Language

- Below mentioned are the different TCL commands

COMMIT: This command is used to save all the transactions into the

                database and changes made in the current transaction are made permanent

ROLLBACK: This command is used to undo transactions that have not

                        already been saved to the database.

SAVEPOINT: This command is used to break the transaction into multiple

                        units so that the user has can rollback upto specified point.

Note : - These commands are used with DML commands

a) COMMIT : This command is used to save all the transactions into the

database and changes made in the current transaction are made


Example :

delete from


where city=”Pune”



b)ROLLBACK : This command is used to undo transactions that have not

                            already been saved to the database.

Example :

delete from student_info where city=“Pune”


c) SAVEPOINT : This command is used to break the transaction into multiple

units so that the user can rollback upto specified point.

Example : Consider table is created with name Student_info having attributes

id and name.

Start Transaction;

SAVEPOINT savepoint1;

insert into Student_info values(1,”ABC”);

SAVEPOINT savepoint2;

insert into Student_info values(2,”XYZ”);

5) DQL : Data Query Language

- This command is used to fetch the data from the database.

SELECT is DQL command

 SELECT: This command is used to select the attribute based on the condition

described by WHERE clause.

Example: Consider table is created with name Student_info having

attributes id and name.

Select name from Student_info where id=”1”;

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