(Software Engineering ) Kano Model & Requirements For Customer Satisfaction

 Kano Model :

  • -Noriaki Kano, Professor of the University of Tokyo and creator, in the 80’s, of the model that takes his last name. 


  • -It’s used in product development, which can give a lot to your concepts, without causing problems in the process modelling stages. 


  • -Because the purpose of the Kano model is to help companies prioritize customer satisfaction. Now, satisfying customers and making them see more value in the things you give them is one of the biggest goals of processes, correct? 




  1. 1) Attractive requirements: 

    • -If they exist, it’s better. But if they don’t exist, it doesn’t mean that the customer will not be satisfied. They can help you attract more consumers and differentiate your product or service, but they’re not essential to your success. 


  1. 2) One-dimensional/Performance Requirements :

    • -If they’re present, they satisfy the client, moreover, the more intense, the greater the satisfaction. In other words, the higher their performance, the more satisfied customers will be. 


  2. 3) Mandatory/Obligatory Requirements :

    • -Without them, the customer will certainly be dissatisfied. The customer waits for them and demands that they be present. They are characteristics intrinsic to the product or service, without which it will be considered extremely unsatisfactory. 


  3. 4) Indifferent Requirements :

    • -Features that don’t affect the degree of user satisfaction and with performance, whether present or not. 


  4. 5) Reverse Requirements :

    • -In this case, their existence is perceived negatively by customers. So, they have a reverse effect on customer satisfaction. 


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