Peer-to-Peer & Client to Server Network (Fundamentals of Computer Network)

1.  Peer-to-Peer Network  :

  • A peer-to-peer network is a distributed network architecture composed of participants that make a portion of their resources, such as processing power, disk storage or network bandwidth directly to network participants without the need for central coordination instances. 
  • Used largely for sharing of content files such as audio, video, data or anything in a digital format. 
  • There are many p2p protocols such as Ares, Bittorrent, or eDonkey. 
  • Can be very large 
  • Can also be used for business solutions for relatively small companies that may not have resources available to implement a server solution. 
  • Peer to peer network is useful for a small network containing less than 10 computers on a single LAN. 
  • In peer to peer network each computer can function as both client and server. 
  • Peer to peer networks do not have a central control system. There are no servers In peer networks. 
  • Peer networks are amplified into home group. 



Uses less expensive computer hardware 

Not very secure 

Easy to administer 

No central point of storage or file archiving 

No NOS required 

Additional load on computer because of resource sharing 

More built in redundancy 

Hard to maintain version control 

Easy setup and low cost 


2.  Client/Server Network :

  • In client-server network relationships, certain computers act as server and other act as clients.  
  • A server is simply a computerthat available the network resources and provides service to other computers when they request it.  
  • A client is the computer running a program that requests the service from a server. 
  • Local area network(LAN) is based on client server network relationship. 
  • A client-server network is one network which all available network resources such as files, directories, applications and shared devices, are centrally managed and hosted and then are accessed by client. 
  • Client server network are defined by the presence of servers on a network that provide security and administration of the network. 



Very secure 

Requires professional administration 

Better performance 

More hardware-intensive 

Centralized backup 

More software-intensive 

Very reliable 

Expensive dedicated software 


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