Types of function - Homomorphism , Isomorphism , Automorphism of groups with examples

 Types of Function : 


Homomorphism is a kind of function f from from one group to another.

Let (G,o) & (G’,o’) be 2 groups,

Homomorphism is a function f from from one group to another. Let (G,o) & (G’,o’) be 2 groups, a mapping/function “f ” from a group (G,o) to a group (G’,o’) is said to be a homomorphism if –

f(a o b) = f(a) o' f(b) ∀ a,b ∈ G


Q) (R,+) is a group of all real numbers under the operation ‘+’ , addition
(R -{0},*) is another group of non-zero real numbers under the operation ‘*’
(Multiplication) f is a mapping from (R,+) to (R -{0},*), defined as : f(a) = 2^a ; ∀ a ∈R
We need to verify whether f(a o b) = f(a) o' f(b)
i.e. f(a+b) = f(a).f(b)

Homomorphism of groups :

Let (G,o) & (G’,o’) be 2 groups, a mapping “f ” from a group (G,o) to a group (G’,o’)
is said to be a homomorphism if – f(aob) = f(a) o' f(b) ∀ a,b ∈ G

Mapping “f ” is a function from one group to another


Let (G,o) & (G’,o’) be 2 groups, a mapping “f ” from a group (G,o) to a group (G’,o’)
is said to be an isomorphism if –

1. f(aob) = f(a) o' f(b) ∀ a,b ∈ G

2. f is a one- one mapping

3. f is an onto mapping.

If ‘f’ is an isomorphic mapping, (G,o) will be isomorphic to the group (G’,o’) & we
write : G ≅ G'

Example 1:

Q) f(x)=log(x) for groups (R+,*) and (R,+) is a group isomorphism. Justify.


1. Check for homomorphism

2. Check if one-to-one

3. Check if onto
1. Check if homomorphism : 

f(x*y) = f(x)+f(y)

log(x*y) = log(x)+log(y)

so f is a homomorphism                         

2) Check if one-one : 
 f(x)=f(y) => log(x)=log(y) => x=y , so f is one-one

3) Check if onto :

f(R+)=R , so f is onto.

Let f(x)=y ⇒ loga​ x=y ⇒ x=a y ⇒ x=a y ∈R +

So, for every element in the co-domain, there exists some pre-image in the domain. ∴ f is


For a group (G,+), a mapping f : G → G is called automorphism if f is one-one

f homomorphic i.e. f(a +b) = f(a) + f(b) ∀ a, b ∈ G.
Example 1: 

Q) f(x)=-x for group (Z,+).


as if f(a)=f(b) 🡪 -a=-b 🡪 a=b

so f is one-one.

as if f(a+b) =-(a+b) =(-a)+(-b) =f(a)+f(b),

so f is also a homomorphism.

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