The Program supports both undirected and Directed Graphs and traverse the graph in Breadth First Search Order in C language.

        Program to create a Graph. The graph is represented using

Adjacency List. The Program supports both undirected and

Directed Graphs and traverse the graph in Breadth First Search



/* List of include files */

#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <process.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

/* List of defined constants */

#define MAX 10

#define TRUE 1

#define FALSE 0

/* Global declarations */

typedef struct node


int vertex;

struct node *next;


/* Declare an adjacency matrix for storing the graph */

node   *head[MAX];

int    visited[MAX];

int    Queue[MAX];

int    front, rear;


The error function

Input : A character string consisting of error message

Output: Prints the error message

Parameter Passing Method : Call By Reference

Called By : create()

Calls : None


void error( char *Msg )


printf("%s\n", Msg );

printf("Press any key to abort\n");





The add function

Input : The vertices of an edge

Output: None, modifies Headnode list

Parameter Passing Method : Call By Value

Called By : create()

Calls : None


void add(int Hnode, int vnum)


node *New, *first;

New = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node ) );

if ( New == NULL )

error("Insufficient Memory\n");

New -> vertex = vnum;

New -> next = NULL;

first = head[Hnode];

if ( first == NULL )

   head[Hnode] = New;



while ( first -> next != NULL )

first = first-> next;

first -> next = New;




The create function

Input :None

Output:None, creates graph and stores in Adj. Lists

Parameter Passing Method :None

Called By : main()

Calls : error(), add()


void  create()


int V1, V2;

for ( V1 = 0; V1 < MAX; V1++)

head[V1] = NULL;



printf("\nEnter the Edge of a graph \n");

scanf("%d%d", &V1, &V2);

if ( V1 == -99)


if ( V1 >= MAX || V2 >= MAX)

error("Invalid Vertex Value\n" );


add(V1, V2);





The bfs function

Input :Pointer to one of the vertex of the graph

Output: Displays data in breadth First Search order

Parameter Passing Method : By Value

Called By : main()

Calls : None


void bfs(int V1)


int i;

node *first;

Queue[++rear] = V1;

while ( front != rear)


i = Queue[++front];

if ( visited[i] == FALSE )


printf("%d\n", i);

visited[i] = TRUE;


first = head[i];

while ( first != NULL )


if ( visited[first->vertex] == FALSE )

Queue[++rear] = first->vertex;

first = first -> next;





The main function

Input :None


Parameter Passing Method :None

Called By : The O.S.

Calls : create(), bfs()


void main ( )


/* Local declarations */

int V1, V2;




for ( V1 = 0; V1 < MAX; V1++)

  visited[V1] = FALSE;

printf("Enter the Vertex from which you want to traverse :");

scanf("%d", &V1);

if ( V1 == -99)


if ( V1 >= MAX )

error("Invalid Vertex\n");

printf("The Breadth First Search of the Graph is \n");

front = rear = -1;







/**************** End of the Program *********************/


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