(Software Engineering ) Concept of XP - Extreme Programming & Industrial XP

  •  XP - Extreme Programming -

  • For small-to-medium-sized teams developing software with vague or rapidly changing requirements. 

  • Coding is the key activity throughout a software project. 




▪ Communication: between software engineers and other stakeholders 

 Simplicity: XP restricts developers to design only for immediate needs, rather than consider future needs. 

 Feedback: is derived from three sources: the implemented software itself, the customer, and other software team members. 

▪ Courage / discipline: An agile XP team must have the discipline (courage) to design for today, recognizing that future requirements may change dramatically. 

▪ Respect: the agile team inculcates respect among its members, between other stakeholders and team members, and indirectly, for the software itself. 



  • Originally proposed by Kent Beck 

  • XP Planning 

    • - Begins with the creation of “user stories 

    • - Agile team assesses each story and assigns a cost 

    • - Stories are grouped to for a deliverable increment 

    • - A commitment is made on delivery date 

  • After the first increment “project velocity” is used to help define subsequent delivery dates for other increments 


  • XP Design 

    • - Follows the KIS principle 

    • - Encourage the use of CRC cards (Class responsibility collaborator) 

    • - For difficult design problems, 

    • - suggests the creation of “spike solutions”—a design prototype 

    • - Encourages “refactoring”—an iterative refinement of the internal program design 


  • XP Coding 

    • - Recommends the construction of a unit test 

    • - Encourages “pair programming 


  • XP Testing 

    • - All unit tests are executed daily 

    • - “Acceptance tests” are defined by the customer and executed to assess customer  - visible functionality 



  • In Extreme Programming(XP), team work for 1-2 weeks only. 


    • - allow changes in their set timelines. 

    • - emphasizes strong engineering practices 

    • - Team have to follow a strict priority order or pre-determined priority order. 

    • - Can be directly applied to a team. 

    • - Is also known for its Ready-to-apply features. 

Industrial XP :

  • IXP is an organic evolution of XP. 
  • It is imbued with XP’s minimalist, customer-centric, test-driven spirit. 
  • IXP differs most from the original XP in its greater inclusion of management, its expanded role for customers, and its upgraded technical practices  



  • Readiness assessment 
  • Project community 
  • Project chartering. 
  • Test-driven management 
  • Retrospectives 
  • Continuous learning 

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